CHRIS REDMOND • Carleton Place, Ontario
My Sherlockian books
In Bed with Sherlock Holmes, 1984, Simon & Pierre (
Dundurn Press
Welcome to America, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, 1987, Simon & Pierre (Dundurn Press)
A Sherlock Holmes Handbook, first edition 1993, second edition 2009, Dundurn Press
Quotations from Baker Street, 2009, privately published, available from me for $10 postpaid or will trade for suitable consideration
A Quick Succession of Subjects, 2016,
Wessex Press
Lives Beyond Baker Street, 2016,
MX Publishing
About Sixty, 2016,
Wildside Press
About Being a Sherlockian, 2017, Wildside Press
Sherlock Holmes Is Like, 2018, Wildside Press
Sherlock Holmes, Immortal Detective, Sherlockian writings of Donald A. Redmond, volume I 2024, volume II 2025, Wessex Press
A few of my articles
The Death of Baron Dowson
(Baker Street Journal)
Intimate Converse in Baker Street
(Baker Street Journal)
Fun with Sherlock Holmes
(Serpentine Muse)
Good and Faithful Servant: Hindoo [sic] Meets Sikh
(Passengers' Log)
The Eight Arthurs of Sir Arthur
(Baker Street Journal)
Let Me Give Such Orders as I Like
(Canadian Holmes)
Somewhere in Norway
(Baker Street Review)
Announcements and resources
Crowd-sourced Sherlock Holmes stories, 2013-2016
Santa Holmes and Sherlock Claus, by Donald A. Redmond